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Free Cooling

  • Significant energy and running cost savings
  • System pays for itself in 12 months or less
  • Compact plan area
  • Automatic control included
  • Extended life of chiller
  • Simple retrofit units
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Improved Green Profile

Water chiller systems are selected to supply a constant water temperature in the summertime and to achieve this they utilise a high energy use compressor. As most of the year UK ambient temperatures are much cooler, chillers are inevitably oversized for over 70-80% of their operating time over the year.

By adding a retrofit Free Cooler to an existing chiller system, massive amounts of energy can be saved on chiller running costs. Return on investment is outstanding with payback from energy savings being achieved in as little as 6-12 months.

Free Cooling is the method of using external air temperatures to assist in the chilling of water, which can then be stored or used immediately.

Chillers are over sized for over 70-80% of the year due to UK ambient temperature being much cooler, and Free Cooling will help alleviate these additional, unwanted energy expenses.

  • Energy Savings: Free cooling uses ambient air to cool fluids, cutting down the need for mechanical refrigeration, resulting in substantial energy savings.
  • Reduced Reliance on Refrigeration: By leveraging outdoor air temperatures, free cooling minimises the use of energy-intensive cooling systems.
  • Lower Operational Costs: Less energy consumption and fewer operational demands lead to reduced overall costs.
  • Extended Chiller Lifespan: Reduced workload on refrigeration units increases their durability.
  • Decreased Maintenance: With fewer components running at full capacity, maintenance needs are minimised.
  • Eco-Friendly: By reducing energy consumption, free cooling helps lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Quick ROI: The energy savings and cost reductions typically lead to a return on investment within 6-12 months.

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